1. Pilar Prieto Vives, Universitatea Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spania
¡Qué bonito libro, y qué recuerdos tan bonitos, me encantó acompañaros esos días, gracias por invitarme y por enviarme el libro! Ce carte frumoasă și ce amintiri frumoase, mi-a plăcut foarte mult să vă însoțesc în acele zile, vă mulțumesc pentru invitație și pentru că mi-ați trimis cartea!2. Xosé Luís Regueira, Universitatea din Santiago de Compostela, Spania
Muy agradecido por el envío, y sobre todo por esta hermosa iniciativa dedicada a una persona que, además de ser un brillante lingüista, es desde hace 30 años un buen amigo mío.
Tuve la suerte de tenerle como alumno en el primer curso de gallego que organizamos para universitarios extranjeros en el año 1988, desde entonces somos amigos. He visto cómo ha ido creciendo como profesor y como investigador, desarrollando una carrera brillantísima, y al mismo tiempo sigue siendo la misma persona afable y entrañable, sencilla y atenta. Por eso os agradezco especialmente que le hayáis dedicado este precioso homenaje y que hayáis contado conmigo.
Foarte recunoscător pentru această carte, și în special pentru această inițiativă frumoasă dedicată unei persoane care, în afară de a fi un lingvist extraordinar, este de 30 de ani un bun prieten al meu. Am avut norocul de a-l avea ca student la primul curs de limbă galiciană organizat pentru studenți străini în 1988, de atunci suntem prieteni. Am văzut cum a crescut ca profesor și cercetător, dezvoltȃnd o carieră strălucitoare, și, în același timp, este, în continuare, aceeași persoană afabilă și fermecătoare, simplă și atentă. De aceea, vă sunt ȋn mod special recunoscător pentru că i-ați dedicat acest omagiu prețios și că ați contat şi pe mine.
3. Cristinel Munteanu, Universitatea “Danubius”, Galați, România
Vă mulțumesc pentru invitație şi colaborare! Şi vă felicit pentru realizarea unui asemenea număr special! Multă sănătate şi spor ȋn toate! Cu prețuire.
4. Josefa Dorta Luis, Universitatea din La Laguna, Spania
Muchas gracias por el envío y felicidades por la publicación.
Vă mulțumesc pentru volum şi felicitări pentru această publicație.
5. Carmen Muñiz Cachón, Universitatea din Oviedo, Spania
Muchas gracias, […] por haber hecho el hermoso y merecido homenaje al Dr. Kabatek.
Vă mulțumesc pentru acest omagiu dedicat domnului prof. univ. dr. Kabatek, un omagiu frumos şi foarte meritat.
6. Manuel González González, Universitatea din Santiago de Compostela, Spania
Ha quedado muy bonito.
A ieşit foarte frumos [volumul].
7. Marta Pérez Toral, Universitatea din Oviedo, Spania
Es una buena noticia, estoy muy contenta.
Este o ştire extraordinară, sunt foarte fericită.
8. Alba García Rodríguez, Universitatea din Oviedo, Spania
La verdad es que ha sido un auténtico placer colaborar en este homenaje.
A fost o adevărată plăcere să colaborez la acest volum omagial.
9. Paolo Roseano, Universitatea din Barcelona şi Universitatea din Africa de Sud
He recibido con grandísimo placer el texto del libro en homenaje del Dr. Kabatek. Una vez más, les agradezco haberme brindado la posibilidad de participar en esta publicación tan destacada.
Am primit cu o deosebită plăcere textul volumului omagial dedicat prof. dr. univ. Kabatek. Din nou vă mulțumesc pentru că mi-ați oferit posibilitatea de a participa la această publicație deosebită.
10. Ramon Cerdà, Universitatea din Barcelona, Spania
Estoy encantado por todo. Por haber tenido el honor de participar en ese homenaje al magnífico Profesor Kabatek, por tener la oportunidad de consultar la publicación entera y por haber recibido unas líneas tuyas tan amables.
Sunt ȋncȃntat de toate. Pentru că am avut onoarea de a participa la acest omagiu al magnificului profesor Kabatek, pentru că am oportunitatea de a consulta ȋntregul volum omagial şi pentru rȃndurile tale pline de amabilitate.
11. Ana María Fernández Planas, Universitatea din Barcelona, Spania
Stimate colege: Vă mulțumesc mult pentru că ați contat pe noi şi felicitări pentru inițiativă şi rezultat. Salutări cordiale din Barcelona.
12. Adriana Maria Robu, Universitatea „Al.I.Cuza”, Iași, România
A ieşit un număr omagial de excepție! Felicit ȋntreaga echipă care a lucrat la acesta!
13. Wendy Elvira-García, Universitatea din Barcelona, Spania
[M]i más sincera enhorabuena por el trabajo.Cele mai sincere felicitări pentru volum.
Last Laudatio dedicated to Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE
(June 6, 1940 – (?) October 13, 2016)
Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE, reputed linguist, semiologist, psychoanalyst, “Lady of the Linguistic Imaginary”, Doctor Honoris Causa of the “Stefan cel Mare” University, left us suddenly, untimely, as we knew her, in full intellectual strength and from a multitude of collective projects. She left us speechless, She, the creator of words, as if to prove that great sorrows are mute.
The queen of feminism in linguistics, an unbeatable Saussurian, has chosen to go to the angels in the “Year of Saussure”, as linguists around the world celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of the founding document of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics.
She left us between two big scientific events she was expected to attend: The International Colloquium “Victor Banaru”, organized by the Department of Romance Linguistics of the State University of Moldova (13-14 October) and the International Colloquium on Functional Linguistics, taking place in La Rochelle (France), Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE’s native town (18-21 October). She never made it to Chisinau, where colleagues had prepared a Laudatio – the last Laudatio – and a diploma of Honorary Member of the Department of Romance Linguistics, bearing the date of October 4, 2016. Anne-Marie is not physically with us in La Rochelle either, where civil servants from all over the world chose to meet to honor her, not to commemorate her.
Destiny wanted otherwise.
Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE, Doctor of Letters and Humanities (with a thesis of 1500 pages, under the supervision of André Martinet), Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Semiology at the University “René Descartes” – Paris V, Sorbonne (she had just obtained this title for the third time), psychoanalyst and President of the Association Sémiologie actuelle, remains PROFESSOR (with capital letters), LINGVISTA who imposed the feminine form of the names of professions, “forcing” the French language to add – e, as a mark of the feminine gender, to professeur. PROFESSOR HOUDEBINE devoted her whole life, until she forgot herself, to the University and to her pupils, to the students of Poitiers, Angers, Paris, then to doctoral students from all continents.
Hundreds of titles in the fields of semiological analysis, sexual difference, identity and languages, the semiology of cues, psychoanalysis, functional linguistics, linguistic and cultural imaginary, and, recently, humor and stereotypes in press cartoons bear the unmistakable stamp of Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE’s style and hard work as a language scientist. Recognized as the author of the theories of the linguistic imaginary (in linguistics) and the semiology of indexical or interpretative cues (in semiology), as a linguist who has feminized the names of professions, titles and positions (between 1984-1986 she was a member of the feminization commission at the Ministry of Women’s Rights), Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE is a faithful and exemplary representative of the values of the French-speaking world, encompassing the spirit of freedom, solidarity, unity in diversity, cooperation and mobility.
The perfect embodiment of “dynamism”, “vigor”, “vitality” and “energy” (the four qualities under the auspices of which the “Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE Homage Days” were held in Paris in 2011), Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE was, above all, the TEACHER surrounded, adored, followed by hundreds of disciples to whom she dedicated unconditionally over 50 years of work.
Since retiring in 2008, she has traveled from university to university, lecturing and encouraging researchers of all ages. Anne-Maria HOUDEBINE has been to Suceava three times, and four times she has taken part in the “Eugeniu Coșeriu” International Colloquium of Language Sciences, inspiring debates. Anne-Maria HOUDEBINE was the “magnet” that modern linguistics needed to develop, building bridges of collaboration with universities all over the world, a passionate promoter of new developments in the language sciences, and a tireless advocate of the affirmation of young people. Her teaching talent was unique, and the debates in which she took part, in the company of renowned linguists and semiologists, automatically became landmarks in the history of the academic institutions under whose aegis they were held.
PROFESSOR Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE remains the Model and Ideal for many who knew her. Her loss is a great trial for those of us who trained at the “Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE School”.
Thank you, dear Mrs. PROFESSOR! We know that you have left now because you were due to meet Saussure, Martinet and Coșeriu for another stormy debate.
Prof. univ. DHC Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU
Tribute to Professor Vasile DOSPINESCU
Call for papers for the volume “Le discours didactique” – Tribute to Professor Vasile DOSPINESCU –
The members of the “Discourse Analysis” Research Center (CADISS) at Suceava’s “Stefan cel Mare” University have decided to publish a volume of scientific contributions in honor of their former Director, Professor Vasile DOSPINESCU, who passed away suddenly at the age of 66. Dedicated to the memory of his mentor, colleague and friend, this volume is a tribute to the Professor’s dual training as a linguist and didactician. Throughout his teaching career, he devoted his scientific research to the in-depth examination of both language phenomena and the most appropriate ways of transmitting this content to a learning public eager to penetrate the secrets and imagination concealed by the French language. While remaining an assiduous linguist-theorist, producing sharp analyses of the dynamics of language facts, he invited us in the męme movement to live the didactic experience as an “exciting play in which curiosity, fantasy, intelligence, love of escape and other mysterious and playful language metamorphoses” can teach us ‘to slip into a foreign language and skin to experience the difference that unveils and enriches identity’ (Vasile Dospinescu). Variety is the watchword for the contributions in this collection, which will bear witness to the subjects that have been closest to his heart in the course of his rich experience as a researcher, coupled with that of a didactician. The topics covered range from discourse analysis and didactic semiotics to textual linguistics, morphology and phonetics, all of which he has constantly explored and developed through his innovative work.
Texts, written in French according to the editorial standards found at www.litere.usv.ro/anadiss, must reach the volume editors by July 31, 2012 at the following addresses:
Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU – sanda_ard@yahoo.com
Nicoleta-Loredana MOROŞAN – nicomorosan@yahoo.fr
Ioana-Crina COROI – crinacoroi@yahoo.fr